Get Fit: Scott Eroe on PC's Fitness Center

Monday, December 4, 2023
PC student and staff member Scott Eroe stands in front of the Fitness Center where he has been a member since 2016.

Scott Eroe has been coming to College since he was a kid.  For 45 years, his dad, Geoffrey Eroe, was the Theatre Director for whom the black box theatre on campus is named.  Scott spent a lot of time in the theatre shop and eventually enrolled at College in 2009 as a music major. Scott is a drummer and one-time trumpet player.  He changed his major to Information Technology and in 2011 started working full-time in PC’s IT department where he’s been for the last twelve years and worked his way up to a Senior Technician. Yet, eight classes short of his Associate’s degree, Scott re-enrolled at PC after his son was born and will graduate in May 2024.  In Fall 2024, he plans to enroll in the new IT Bachelor’s Degree program for Project Management. 

As a student, full-time employee, and a parent, Scott utilizes PC's Fitness Center during his lunch hour to stay fit. He has been a member since 2016. “It’s a great escape, especially in the middle of the day,” Scott said. “The perks? Definitely seeing people you know everyday.” As far as equipment and exercise, Scott is keen on bench presses, but he likes to change up his routine every few months.  “Until the holiday break, it’ll be a lot more cardio.” He also noted fitness center staff, Ceci Saenz and Logan Ryan, are always available to help members with fitness routines.   

Ready to embark on your own fitness journey? Check out the Fitness Center membership options or sign up for one of the many like Boot Camp, Yoga, or Fitness for Life. If you're interested in a new Body Transformation Program, call (602) 285-7296 or email Fitness Center Staff: 

Logan Ryan
Wellness & Fitness Supervisor

Ceci Saenz
Wellness & Fitness Technician